Happy Birthday to Us


The Project on Ethics in Political Communication just turned two.

We launched the Project on Ethics in Political Communication two years ago to promote the study, teaching, and practice of political communication ethics. Fittingly, American political discourse has a case of the terrible twos.

All in all, we feel like we’re off to a good start. Below are some of the highlights from our first 24 months.

So far we have…

  • Written for Campaigns & Elections, The Hill, The Fulcrum, Current Commentary and Media Ethics.

  • Been interviewed on radio and podcasts, and by television and print journalists around the country.

  • Hosted discussions in person (remember those?), on video, and via text with a candidates, practitioners, academics, students, journalists, and pundits.

  • Led two dozen conversations on campuses and at conferences, companies, coalitions, and a congregation.

  • Worked with the Media Ethics Initiative at UT - Austin on half a dozen classroom-ready case studies (so far). These real examples of ethical challenges faced by candidates and advocates help students see how the theory of ethics is, and is not, applied in the real world.

  • Promoted Political Communication Ethics: Theory and Practice, the first textbook on political communication ethics to bring together chapters by both academics and practitioners.

These first two years are just the start.

In the coming weeks we are co-sponsoring an event with the Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict at Arizona State University, and speaking at Harvard’s Kennedy School and elsewhere. An event on digital ethics and the public square and more are in the works. You can keep with all the goings-on on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

We are always making more connections, finding new opportunities, and talking to anyone who will listen. Have an idea, want to schedule a talk or write for our blog? Let us know.