Five Questions about Ethics in Political Communication: Sarah Isgur


Sarah Isgur has worked in all three branches of government and on three presidential campaigns, including serving as the Deputy Campaign Manager for Carly for President, and was a Fellow at Harvard University's Institute of Politics during the last presidential cycle. She most recently served in the Department of Justice as Director of the Office of Public Affairs and Senior Counsel to the Deputy Attorney General . Sarah took her bachelor's degree from Northwestern University and completed her thesis on the Americanization of British campaign communication at the London School of Economics. At Harvard Law School, she was President of the Harvard Federalist Society and staffed the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy. After law school, she served as a law clerk to Judge Edith Jones of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Sarah is a staff writer at The Dispatch, a political analyst for CNN, and a professional lecturer in the School of Media and Public Affairs at The George Washington University. @whignewtons

1) To what ethical standard should political communication be held? Where should political communication ethics be grounded?

The ethical standards we hold ourselves and others to in our personal lives should be no different when we cross into the political realm. Despite how television and movies may portray our politics, we do not leave our personal, moral, and ethical codes at the door. In fact, they should be enhanced by the responsibility and duty of public service. The golden rule is no less true behind the White House podium or on a CNN panel, and yet in the age of reality television and fictionalized dramas, we seem to accept a certain level of brutality as “the rules of the game.”

2) Why should someone in political communication behave ethically?

It is, of course, in a communicator's self interest to be regarded as an ethical person. It builds credibility both inside and outside your own organization. And you serve your boss and organization far better as a credible communicator. That being said, there are larger reasons as well. It sounds silly to say that you may sleep better at night knowing that you have done your best and served your country, but it is also true. Whether you get fired or lose the race, in my experience, you will have fewer regrets and spend less time dwelling on misfortune when you adhere to your own code of ethics in your professional life.

3) Can you give an example of ethical political communication? What can people point to and say “do more of that?”

Not enough people admit when they were wrong. It’s surprising when you think about it because it is so effective at disarming your opposition but we see so little of it in our political conversation. Changing your mind, saying you were wrong in the face of new facts is both an ethical and effective path of political communication that I would like to see more of.

4) Can you give an example of an ethical challenge or question you or political communication professionals in your field have faced or are likely to face?

Rarely a day goes by in a high profile job that a communicator is not given the opportunity to lie and that lying is, in fact, the easier choice. But most people believe lying is bad. And so it is often that case that people will start from the lie and then back track from there until they get to a place that they can defend as ‘not a lie.’ This is the wrong approach. A communicator should start from a place of radical candor and then determine what obligations she has from that position. Candor should always be the goal and the starting place.

5) What advice about ethics do you have for people studying political communication or starting their careers in the field?

Answer the question you were asked. Show grace to those around you. Be a skeptic but never a cynic.

Five Questions about Ethics in Political Communication: Tom Sheridan


Tom Sheridan is the president and founder of the Sheridan Group, a progressive strategic communication firm. Frequently named a “Top Lobbyist” by The Hill newspaper, Tom Sheridan is described as a “powerbroker for those without a voice.” His debut book, Helping the Good Do Better: How a White Hat Lobbyist Advocates for Social Change, was released in June 2019. @tfsheridan

1) To what ethical standard should political communication be held? Where should political communication ethics be grounded?

The ethical standard is “truth”. While the truth may be subjective, we all know that there is a broad and bright line between true and false. Interpretation will always be part of debates and the distinguishing element of policy positions or political messages – that’s a given. However, when political communications intentionally use falsehoods, rumors, or unsubstantiated data in the interest of harming another candidate or issue group then the ethical lines have been crossed. In civil rights movements we have a saying – “there are no rights without remedies” and the grounding of our ethics in politics should be in a consequence (or remedy) such that future work or aspirations are crippled when violated. An independent arbitrator should have the power to call balls/strikes. Any professional committing three strikes should be out and there should be a mechanism to do it. Sadly, in politics the lack of consequence is frequently interpreted as permission. 

2 - Why should someone in political communication behave ethically?
Because democratic participation in government is a privilege shared equally by all citizens. For someone to manipulate the power of citizenship by using political communications to drive falsehoods or corrupt agendas is as corrosive to our democracy as any assault by adversaries.   We have seen war, tension, terrorism – many of those come from abroad but we are only now understanding that powerful assaults against democracy can come from within. Professionals in politics must be the front lines of defense for the nation and the democratic norms we value.    

3 - Can you give an example of ethical-political communication? What can people point to and say “do more of that?”
Sure, every year the JFK Library gives out their “Profiles in Courage Award”. Frequently these are politicians who stood up for principals and values and did “the right thing”. Sadly, many of them pay a price for such courage. What if that award came with something else – a large cash prize like the McArthur Genius Award so that when good is demonstrated it’s rewarded and not punished, the recipient can then fight back against the money interests that are almost always on the other side and bragging about the defeat (i.e. the NRA). Justin Amash is a lone former Republican in the House to stand up to Donald Trump – will he win his next campaign? Will a primary opponent out of Trump’s swamp amass such sums as to push Amash out? We’re all grown-ups – we look at who wins and who loses in these matches. When “good” loses it sends a message. That has to change.

4 - Can you give an example of an ethical challenge or question you or political communication professionals in your field have faced or are likely to face?

You can not play in this game at any level of seriousness and not face challenges ethically.  They seem to spring out of the woodwork, sometimes daily. For me, the challenges come in balancing tactics that require “fighting fire with fire”. In the heat of an intense lobby effort there are moments when hedging on the truth, pulling a punch, or manipulating others feels necessary and opportunistic. The moment pushes you to do it in the interest of winning for the greater good. This is my threshold moment when I think I can do this and forgive myself for the “greater good”, I stop! The thought is the warning and the warning should be heeded – there is no “greater good” served by bad or unethical actions.   

5 - What advice about ethics do you have for people studying political communication or starting their careers in the field?
If you’ve chosen politics as a career choice be clear you’ve entered a “service industry”.   Politics at it’s best is in service to others. If your motivation is something other than service you are already vulnerable to the influences that compromise ethics and frequently break laws.  Corruption doesn’t appear dressed for the dance – it’s slow, subtle, and seductive. It breeds in people who haven’t grounded themselves in the humility of service. Emotionally mature adults with balanced lives do best in this business in the long term. Surround yourself with family and friends who share your values and keep you rooted in them. Treasure those who tell you when they see you stray! 

Five Questions about Ethics in Political Communication - Myles Goldman


Myles Goldman is the communications manager at 340B Health, a Washington, D.C. based nonprofit association representing safety-net hospitals and health systems participating in the federal 340B drug pricing program. There he manages digital media. He has a B.A. in Political Communication from The George Washington University. @mylesgoldmanma   

1) To what ethical standard should political communication be held? Where should political communication ethics be grounded?

Political communication needs to be grounded in facts, and we need to hold ourselves and our colleagues to that standard. We may disagree about which policy solutions are most appropriate, but the only way we can persuade and move our cause forward is by working with a set of proven facts. Otherwise, the debate becomes bogged down in discerning which points are facts, rather than moving toward policy outcomes.

 This doesn’t mean that we can’t set an agenda by highlighting certain issues. We can also point out particular facts within that issue – otherwise known as framing. Agenda setting and framing are both essential to an effective political communication campaign. It simply means that we should be applying these communication principles with critical facts rather than statements that are false or based solely on emotion.

2) Why should someone in political communication behave ethically?

Political communication is all about relationship building through communication on behalf of a cause, candidate, or elected official. The communication can be to the media, to an elected official, to policy thought leaders such as a think tank or to the general public. No matter the audience, credibility remains crucial and ultimately the majority of policy goals cannot be achieved without it. Unethical political communication is one of the quickest ways to damage credibility because it goes right to the heart of trust. If a reporter can’t trust the information you are providing them is credible, then they are unlikely to look at you as a source for stories and the organization or person you represent will suffer for that in the lack of coverage received. In other words, ethical political communication is good for the business of effectively communicating and achieving the policy goal your organization, candidate, or office holder seeks.

3) Can you give an example of ethical political communication? What can people point to and say “do more of that?”

The common perception of political communication is that it is all about political campaigns or working for an elected official. It is important to remember that it also includes jobs working at trade associations, non profits, public affairs for corporations, and public affairs agencies. With that in mind, I think the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), who I am a member of, does a good job with its code of ethics. Every September is PRSA’s Ethics Month, where they discuss many of the same questions that emerge in political communication. PRSA’s Code of Ethics demands honesty and accountability and includes guidelines for how to disclose information, appropriately protect client information, and how to address potential conflicts of interest. It is a great starting point for a conversation around political communication ethics.

Additionally, the Digital Advertising Alliance released in June new transparency guidelines for digital political advertising that creates a system for political advertisements online to include an icon that identifies it as a political advertisement and gives the viewer the opportunity to learn more about who is behind the advertisement. Transparency is a vital component of political communication and these types of guidelines are necessary for ethical political communication in the ever-growing digital space.

 4) Can you give an example of an ethical challenge or question you or political communication professionals in your field have faced or are likely to face?

There is going to be continued questions for advocacy organizations that create so called “astroturf” campaigns. This is where the supporters of the third-party campaign or organization don’t exist. Building a grassroots or grasstops campaign can be an effective strategy to achieve a policy outcome and demonstrate the support a policy position has. The problem becomes when a campaign communicates that it has stronger support than it actually has, which can unduly influence the decision making of voters, the media, and policymakers. This is especially a problem at a time when it is easy to purchase Twitter followers through third-party companies. In many cases reporting has demonstrated that the followers purchased are mostly bot and fake accounts.

 5) What advice about ethics do you have for people studying political communication or starting their careers in the field?

No matter what the latest digital platform is or what types of media outlets political communicators are interacting with, the basics of political communication ethics should remain the same. This means that people beginning their career in the field should determine before they start their first job what their ethical boundaries are, since they shouldn’t be dictated by the latest technology trend. This is not only important for when an ethical challenge occurs, which often happens under chaotic circumstances, but can also guide what type of organization they work for to begin with. People should aim to work for an organization that has the same ethical values they do. Although this doesn’t guarantee political communication ethics bliss, it is likely to put them on a good ethical path to start.

Five Questions about Ethics in Political Communication: Hana S. Callaghan

Hana Callaghan is the director of the Government Ethics Program at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University. She has a background in law, government, and politics and is the author of Campaign Ethics; A Field Guide. @scuethics

1) To what ethical standard should political communication be held? Where should political communication ethics be grounded?

Our political process is based on the ethical ideal of creating an informed electorate. In order to fulfill their duty to inform, candidates’ communications should always be truthful, fair, relevant, and substantive. 

2) Why should someone in political communication behave ethically?

All people in politics, be they candidate, staff, consultant, or volunteer have a duty to preserve the integrity of the electoral process because when the public loses faith in their representative institutions, government doesn’t work. It is also in the candidate’s self interest to behave ethically.  Voters perceive that how a candidate campaigns is a good indicator on how he or she will govern. Studies have shown that when a candidate attacks a candidate unethically, the attack impacts public perception of the attacker.  

3) Can you give an example of ethical political communication? What can people point to and say “do more of that?”

One of pleasant surprises in the 2020 presidential race was a mass email from Pete Buttigiege’s campaign manager to supporters clearly articulating the values that inform the campaign.  This was not a set of policy positions, but rather a code of conduct for everyone associated with the campaign. The Mayor not only asked his staff to sign “Pete’s Rules of the Road,” but he asked supporters as well. 

4) Can you give an example of an ethical challenge or question you or political communication professionals in your field have faced or are likely to face?

One of the best examples of ethical campaigning was seen in the 2008 race between Barack Obama and John McCain. McCain corrected a supporter in a town hall meeting who said she couldn’t vote for Obama because he was, “An Arab.” Instead of agreeing with a potential supporter, McCain responded, “No, ma'am. He's a decent family man [and] citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues and that's what this campaign's all about. He's not [an Arab]." He told the crowd, "I have to tell you, Senator Obama is a decent person and a person you don’t have to be scared of as president of the United States."  At John McCain’s funeral, Barack Obama relayed this story and said, “[T]hat was John's instinct. I never saw John treat anyone differently because of their race or religion or gender. That in those moments that have been referred to during the campaign he saw himself as defending America's character, not just mine. He considered it the imperative of every citizen that loves this country to treat all people fairly.”

5) What advice about ethics do you have for people studying political communication or starting their careers in the field? 

Everyone participating in civic engagement is to be praised for their commitment to our democratic ideals. Although politics is a noble pursuit, there will be many times when you are faced with ethical dilemmas on the campaign trail. The Markkula Center for Applied Ethics has designed a Framework for Ethical Decision Making to help people reflect and engage in an ethical process when faced with difficult choices. It is available for free on our website at


Five Questions about Ethics in Political Communication - Olga Moshinsky Woltman


Olga Moshinsky Woltman, LemonSkies, describes herself as “a nonprofit strategist for good causes.” Olga has nearly two decades of broad-reaching experience helping nonprofits raise funds and awareness, with specialty in planning, messaging, and creative concepting. She has extensive experience working with Chapters and Affiliates and is a frequent contributor to industry publications. or

1) To what ethical standard should political communication be held? Where should political communication ethics be grounded?

To give you my simple definition, ethical standard that ought to guide political communications is about doing the right thing (not to be confused with what’s legal). I differentiate between ethical and legal because you cannot automatically assume that as long as it is by the letter of the law it is by default ethical, not to mention that not all laws are ethical. Also, this might sound idealistic, but I’d like to see political communications decoupled from agendas and elections ratings.

The other consideration is intent, is your motivation pure or corrupt? This doesn’t always change the outcome but with ethics there is a lot of gray and sometimes trying to do the right thing is all you can do.

 All of this of course is theoretical, each situation is unique so we can probably talk a lot about contributing factors in application.

 2) Why should someone in political communication behave ethically?

Ethics are about right and wrong. Not to oversimplify this question, but isn’t by the very definition doing the right thing is what we should thrive for? Words matter and political communicators have a platform and a megaphone to amplify their message. The message that’s being put out creates a ripple effect impacting wellbeing of real people and communities so one has a responsibility to be thoughtful and deliberate.  

3) Can you give an example of ethical political communication? What can people point to and say, “do more of that?”

Scary thing, often it is it’s hard to distinguish if political communications are authentic. Spinning probably has always been a part of the game, but maybe more subtle compared to what has become the norm today. When you asked this question New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern came to mind straight away. After the tragic shooting at the country’s mosques Prime Minister Ardern showed true leadership and grace. She showed empathy and respect but at the same time took swift action. We need more of that. As a young female leader of a country (yes, I am going there), she managed to thread the needle, showing the world that compassion and decisiveness are not mutually exclusive. I’d like to think that her handling of this complex and nuanced situation was not just about communications mastery, but also about who she is as a human.

4) Can you give an example of an ethical challenge or question you or political communication professionals in your field have faced or are likely to face?

I am a fundraiser and so much of what we do is about messaging and positioning, so you face ethical considerations, large and small, all the time! An obvious one is being honest about what the funds will support. I always want to emphasize the importance of donors’ support and that even a small contribution makes a difference (100% true), while avoiding hyperbole and being too specific about what particular program dollars support because when running an effective and efficient organization you just can’t be that specific.

A more nuanced question is how you balance raising money effectively without diminishing the very people you are helping. I am not saying shy away from emotion, but it is important to stay true to the mission and when sharing stories to maintain dignity of your constituents, not representing them as objects of pity. This goes for the photos you select also, by the way, and photoshopping to exaggerate is a hard no for me.

5) What advice about ethics do you have for people studying political communication or starting their careers in the field?

So here it goes - you didn’t say it had to be practical by the way, since I suspect when rising through the ranks one doesn’t always get to choose position, so maybe this isn’t about what you say but about how you say it.

  • Context matters, especially when it comes to nuanced issues. There is a way to present information or even facts in favorable or negative light. But leaving out the bigger picture colors perception. Fault by omission is still dishonest when knowingly done to shift how audience will interpret information.

  • Don’t dig in on a topic or issue just to be right or stick to it. It’s okay to change your mind in light of new information and acknowledge it. Not sure I’ve ever seen it happen in political space though unless it was in a “damage control” situation.

  • Just be straight and direct, don’t tap dance and dodge the issues. Burying the “lead” amongst a bunch of unnecessary distracting details is like camouflage to divert attention. 

  • Lastly, would you say whatever information is in question to someone’s face without a screen or Twitter handle to hide behind? What if are talking to a friend? Or your mom? That’s your North Star.

Five Questions about Ethics in Political Communication: Pete Leon and Mike Scrivner

Pete Leon

Pete Leon

Mike Scrivner

Mike Scrivner

Mike Scrivner and Pete Leon are partners in their bipartisan lobbying firm that focuses on telecommunications, technology, energy and health care. Mike and Pete have more than a half century of professional political experience between them. When he was a staffer on Capitol Hill, Mike first worked for Rep. John Duncan (R-TN) and then moved onto to work for Rep. Norm Lent (R-NY) as his Legislative Director and then Chief of staff while Lent was the ranking Republican on the Energy and Commerce Committee. Pete started his career in the personal office of Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) , who is now Speaker of the House, and over ten years rose to be senior staff ending his career as Legislative Director for Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY) who now serves as Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and is a senior member of the Energy and Commerce Committee.

1) To what ethical standard should political communication be held? Where should political communication ethics be grounded?

Pete: The simple answer is the highest standard. The American people have lost faith in their government because of disinformation campaigns, half-truths and fuzzy logic answers. This lack of faith has harmed our nation and political communicators have an ethical responsibility to not only stop doing this but seek ways to repair the damage.

2) Why should someone in political communication behave ethically?

Pete: Regardless of title, most people working in politics are political communicators.  Whether the audience is constituents, the media or elected/appointed officials one thing remains the same. Never lie! Getting caught in a lie often results (and should) with the relationship being forever broken.  The open exchange of information is vital to a functioning democracy. For an individual who lies, they suffer damage to their own reputation, but they also add to the deterioration of democratic government.

Mike:  Agree - at the end of the day all you have is your reputation and trust.  Once lost it’s impossible to recover.

3) Can you give an example of ethical political communication? What can people point to and say, “do more of that?”

Pete: As a lobbyist, I am often asked who opposes the position that I am advocating. It is my ethical responsibility to be able to name those groups and provide some examples of their arguments. I model myself after a lobbyist I met when I started as a new staffer for a member of Congress.  This lobbyist had recently changed jobs but had a long history with my new boss.  This lobbyist came in and discussed a piece of legislation that his new company strongly supported.  He then explained to me why my new boss could not support the bill. This lobbyist knew more about my boss’ positions than I did and was more concerned with maintaining a good relationship than putting my boss in a difficult position.

Mike:  I agree and would note that an advocate also has an ethical responsibility to the client to make the strongest factual representation of their case or cause.  It is professionally sound to make the audience aware of the other side and where they can find relevant information but would leave it to the adversary to make their own case.

4) Can you give an example of an ethical challenge or question you or political communication professionals in your field have faced or are likely to face?

Pete: I have been asked to represent foreign governments where being openly gay is a criminal offense and, often, punishable by death.  As an openly gay, married man, this is a line I cannot cross.

Mike:  If you’re not comfortable making the case – for whatever reason – don’t take the client.  It’s not fair to anyone concerned – you, the client or the audience.

5) What advice about ethics do you have for people studying political communication or starting their careers in the field?

Pete: Read as much as you can before you open your mouth.  Too often today, political communicators just spout off with little actual fact in hand.  They should also meet people – in person not just communicate via email or social media.  Interpersonal skills and relationships are how we build trust and become better communicators.

Mike: Agree and believe it’s a problem with young staff more used to communicating through email, text and social media.  They don’t often see the value of personally knowing the person on the other side of the issue even when they’re in close proximity.  I’m still surprised when I come across this, but it seems to be increasingly the case.

Five Questions about Ethics in Political Communication: Craig Vachon


Craig Vachon is a senior partner at NextStage, a Paris-based private equity firm. For the last thirty years, he's been an entrepreneur and seed investor in founders of impactful start-ups. Craig's first novel, The Knucklehead of Silicon Valley, is being published in late October 2019.   @c_ster

1 ) To what ethical standard should political communication be held? Where should political communication ethics be grounded?
Sociologists contend that trust is foundational to functioning societies. In business communications, we often rely on the quantifiable to assist us in determining the trustworthiness of a partner or transactor. This is relatively simple as in most transactions, the quantifiable claim gives confidence to the transactors as to the fairness of the transaction. If something is amiss, confidence and trust is removed, and those transactors will have numerous avenues for redress. Simply put, they probably will cease to transact in the future. (Example: Enron)

But in political communications, claims are more difficult to quantify. (While undoubtedly some jobs were created in the last 12 months in America, should all the credit for these newly-created jobs be attributed to Ivanka Trump?) Hence, to my perception, political communications often tend to stretch the boundaries of trustworthiness and honesty. Since lack of trust creates shakier societal foundations, political communication should have an ethical responsibility to society to pursue only honest, truthful communication, and that which is quantifiable. Failure to communicate with honesty, should have similar results to business communication, where the parties cease to further transactions (politician’s get voted out of their roles).    

2) Why should someone in political communication behave ethically?
Because failure to do so erodes the most basic foundations of our society. Our trading partners, allies, and everyone else, including our future-allies (as an entrepreneur, I suffer from never-ending-optimism) rely on our communication to judge our trustworthiness. Our communication that is less than ethical, strains our trustworthiness, whether our community, fellow countrymen or world-wide. 

When we act and communicate ethically, all participants benefit.

3) Can you give an example of ethical political communication? What can people point to and say “do more of that?”
I’m fond of mea culpas. Reagan’s apology after the Iran-Contra situation elevated him to a trustworthy leader for most. If Bill Clinton had the testicular fortitude to do so after the Lewinsky affair, I believe he would have elevated himself in the eyes of the world considerably.

Ethical political communication is probably the norm. But the drama of non-ethical communication sells more advertising, so media entities tend to focus on it (either to make political points or to attempt to diminish its import). Seemingly, if the populace voted more often (perhaps digitally every three months), we might have more responsiveness from our political leaders (CEO’s of small and large businesses have quarterly hurdles when they report results to their stakeholders). 

4) Can you give an example of an ethical challenge or question you or political communication professionals in your field have faced or are likely to face?

I think we all face these challenges daily. My mother was an exceptional entrepreneur and inspiring, ethical human. Over the years, when making ethically-challenging decisions, I often play-out in my mind how I would explain my decision to her in the future. I find this to be an extremely potent litmus test. If I am apprehensive about the hypothetical explanation to Mom, then I rethink my approach.

5) What advice about ethics do you have for people studying political communication or starting their careers in the field?
Being in politics means you have many more bosses than the average human. You serve your constituents. If your communication doesn’t serve the well-being of your populace in an honest and forthright manner (like you would want to be treated), then perhaps you need to reevaluate your career or approach to solving challenging issues.

Five Questions about Ethics in Political Communication: Prof. Ben Voth


Ben Voth is an associate professor and the director of debate and speech at Southern Methodist University. @BenjaminVoth

1) To what ethical standard should political communication be held? Where should political communication ethics be grounded?

The notion of beloved community organized the American Civil Rights movement from at least 1942 to 1970.  While containing important Christian premises, the notions were shared by Jewish, Secular, Hindu and even Muslim participants.  The idea of love can be simply expressed in the notion of meeting the need of another person. Communication is a need that all human beings have and so facilitating communication among all people is an act of love.

King said that people fear each other because they don't know each other and that they don't know each other because they cannot communicate.  Ethical communication should further our human communication needs. Ethical communication leads to more communication not less. Intimidating strategies that make us unwilling to speak are not ethical.  This fits with a research point from my 2014 book The Rhetoric of Genocide. A concept of discursive complexity should reign in individuals, groups and nations. Profound moral problems like genocide can be evaded and prevented by adhering the communication precept articulated by Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel:  What hurts the victim most is not the physical cruelty of the oppressor but the silence of the bystander.

2) Why should someone in political communication behave ethically?

Ideal political communication improves individual and collective conditions.  The existence of discursive complexity—the ability to consider and hear multiple points of views—is well correlated with higher life expectancy and better human outcomes.  South Korea has better outcomes for its human communities than North Korea because of communication ethics.

The recent declines in US life expectancy are likely tied to our inability to have more free conversations about health care and related problems.  Unethical communication gives rise to propaganda and fuels a cycle of genocide as individuals resort to violence in the absence of options.

3) Can you give an example of ethical political communication? What can people point to and say “do more of that?”

Two of my favorite examples of ethical political communication are:  Calvin Coolidge and James Farmer Jr. Coolidge had a careful habit of using words with discretion.  He made the following observations at the end of his Presidential career in his autobiography:

“Perhaps one of the reasons I have been a target for so little abuse is because I have tried to refrain from abusing other people.” pp. 185-186.

“The words of the President have an enormous weight and ought not to be used indiscriminately.” p. 186

“It would be exceedingly easy to set the country all by the ears and foment hatreds and jealousies, which, by destroying faith and confidence, would help nobody and harm everybody.  The end would be the destruction of all progress.” p. 186

“While everyone knows that evil exists, there is yet sufficient good in the people to supply material for most of the comment that needs to be made.

The only way I know to drive out evil from the country is by the constructive method of filling it with good.  The country is better off tranquilly considering its blessing and merits, and earnestly striving to secure more of them, than it would be in nursing hostile bitterness about its deficiencies and faults.”  p. 186

James Farmer Jr. had the nickname the Great Debater and his internalized ethics about debate created in him an extraordinary sense of patience in communication aimed at justice.  He would dialogue with a wide range of actors who held highly disparate and antagonistic beliefs. He was nonetheless successful in destroying segregation in the United States between 1942 and 1970 using non violence direct action communication techniques derived from Gandhi.

4) Can you give an example of an ethical challenge or question you or political communication professionals in your field have faced or are likely to face?

A major challenge we face is escalating sense of cynicism among those who teach young people.  Afro-pessimism and ecological pessimism can lead students and young people to the false conclusion that nothing can be improved.  This is untrue and we need to work to reverse this destructive spiral of cynicism as it was termed by Kathleen Jamieson.

5) What advice about ethics do you have for people studying political communication or starting their careers in the field?

Be idealistic.  Think about the hows and whys of idealism.  Draw from empirically successful examples. If you cannot think of successful examples in relation to a theory—it is probably not a good theory about political communication and ethics.